Philippine Standard Time

2022 Ulat SIPAG Award search for outstanding media professionals now open

The search for outstanding print and broadcast professionals who have popularized stories from the agriculture, aquatic, and natural resources (AANR) sector for the past year is now open.

Ulat SIPAG Award is organized annually by the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD). It recognizes the efforts of private media practitioners in popularizing science and technology information on priority concerns to DOST-PCAARRD, primarily its Industry Strategic S&T Programs (ISP) in the AANR sector.

Ulat SIPAG is one of the awards given during the DOST-PCAARRD S&T Awards and Recognition ceremony, along with other awards such as Pantas, Tanglaw, Ugnay, and Best Research and Development Papers.

The Ulat SIPAG award has four categories: national print, regional print, national broadcast, and regional broadcast. National print is based on the Council's monitoring while the other categories are by nominations.

Regional print

Regional print is one of the two new categories introduced in 2021 to recognize professional private print media practitioners and Information Officers in State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) who are contributing to private regional newspapers. Both practitioners should be part of a publication that is only circulated in a particular region.

Among the requirements for submission of entries for this category are the following:

  • Nomination of the page editor/publisher;
  • Application/acceptance of the nominee;
  • At least three news articles or two feature articles published with byline within the preceding year;
  • Feedback letters from readers such as letters or e-mails of inquiry about the information or technology, screenshot of positive comment or inquiry on Facebook, or recorded feedback. Physical letters should be certified by the publication company; and
  • Advertising rate of the print publication.

The articles that will be submitted should be published within the preceding year (June 1, 2021- May 31, 2022). Deadline of submissions is on June 1, 2022.

National and regional broadcast

The regional broadcast category covers radio broadcasting stations airing in the regions. It will also recognize Information Officers in SUCs contributing to private broadcast stations in the regions.

The award shall be open to all broadcasters of radio programs in AM radio stations (including those that are online and that have AM counterpart), in FM radio stations, and in TV radio or Teleradyo programs that have online counterparts. These broadcast programs must have continually aired AANR S&T-related information, with emphasis on any of the PCAARRD ISPs.

Among the requirements for submission of entries for this category are the following:

  • Nomination of the manager or any appropriate officer of the broadcasting company;
  • Background description of the radio program;
  • Certification of airing;
  • Summary outline of program formats employed in the program;
  • At least two recorded whole broadcast program, which should be at least 30 minutes long; and
  • Feedback letters from listeners/viewers such as letters or e-mails of inquiry about the information or technology, screenshot of positive comment or inquiry on Facebook, or recorded feedback. Physical letters should be certified by the broadcast station.

The recorded radio program that will be submitted should be aired within the preceding year (June 1, 2021- May 31, 2022). Deadline of submissions is on June 1, 2022.

Information about the award, criteria, and selection process are detailed in this web page: