Philippine Standard Time

Agri-Aqua inventors pitched technologies to investors

Inventors of technologies developed under the agriculture, aquatic, and natural resources (AANR) sector pitched their products to potential investors in a virtual technology pitching conducted via Zoom and Facebook Live.

The “Inventors Meet Investors: IP-TBM National Technology Pitch Day” was held on December 11, 2020 wherein DOST Secretary Fortunato T. de la Peña, DOST Undersecretary for R&D Rowena Cristina L. Guevara, PCAARRD Executive Director Reynaldo V. Ebora, and FPRDI Director Romulo T. Aggangan served as speakers.

A total of 16 inventors and technology transfer officers pitched their local inventions to potential investors, partners, and collaborators. Meanwhile, a total of 129 participants joined the Zoom session wherein 19 were from the private sector. At least 70 people viewed the Facebook Live.


“The meeting of inventors and investors is not just a mere target of the Intellectual Property and Technology Business Management (IP-TBM) program, it is a chance for us to change the world we live in. The inventors and investors may have different reasons for attending this pitch day, but we have one and the same purpose… we want to serve the people through science and technology and to create economic changes through inventions, innovations, and hopefully, investments. Because from here, we will produce Filipino trailblazers,” said Secretary de la Peña.

This activity is part of the culminating activity of the two-year program titled, “Developing the Intellectual Property and Technology Business Management (IP-TBM) Operations in Consortia Member Agencies-Batch 2.” It involves 14 state universities and colleges (SUCs) and two research and development institutes (RDIs). The Forest Products Research and Development Institute (FPRDI) served as the lead coordinating agency, with Ms. Grecelda A. Eusebio as the overall program coordinator.

After a series of virtual technology pitching conducted on their respective regions, the IP-TBM program team ventured to offer their technologies to a wider scope of investors in the AANR sector on a national scale. This technology promotion and networking activity hopes to attract and create more partnerships within the industry sector.

Inventors and researchers eagerly answered inquiries as several individuals showed interest on the products and technologies presented. The locally-developed inventions were divided into the following four categories:

A. Agri-Aqua Inputs
1. Pinoy Organisecticide
2. Prolipig, a Test Kit for Swine Prolificacy
3. Biosyn-F Dietary Synbiotic Feed Supplement
4. Fish Anesthetic
5. VERMITEA Foliar Fertilizer
6. Biopesticide from Indigeneous Plant (Tasmania piperita)
7. B-Flex (Banana Floral Apex Tissue Culture)

B. Agri-Aqua Production
9. MMSU DF4Tm Against Early Blight of Tomato
10. Spray-Dried Powder from Papaya, Kundol, and Yacon for Diabetes
11. Zampen Native Chicken
12. Fruity Beads

C. Food and Beverage
13. Medinilla Magnifica Wine
14. Butter Cookies with Cocoa Pod Husk Powder

D. Equipment
15. FPRDI Eco Dryer
16. Cacao Bean Extractor

The IP-TBM program aims to strengthen the capacities of selected SUCs and RDIs on IP and technology business management to enhance their technology commercialization activities. IP-TBMs are technology transfer offices that are envisioned to mirror the initiatives of the DOST-PCAARRD Innovation and Technology Center (DPITC), which serves as a one-stop hub for technology owners and generators, investors, end users and other stakeholders within the AANR innovation system. To date, PCAARRD supports 51 IP-TBM offices across the country.