Philippine Standard Time

Assessment of Technology Transfer and Extension Modalities Delivery System in the AFNR sectors underway

The Technology Transfer and Promotion Division (TTPD) of PCAARRD has approved a 1-year project on the Analysis of Extension and Technology Transfer Modalities in Agriculture, Fisheries and Natural Resources (AFNR) in the Philippines with the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) of the Department of Agriculture (DA) sharing the cost of funding for its publication.

This project aims to examine in detail identified extension and technology transfer modalities generated from the Compendium project.  It will cover all the different technology transfer modalities developed by PCAARRD and ATI from 2000-2011.

The College of Public Affairs and Development (CPAD) of the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) is implementing the project which commenced on July 1, 2014.  It is a follow up of the project  on the “Compendium of Extension and Technology Transfer Modalities in Agriculture, Fisheries and Natural Resources in the Philippines” which was completed on February 11, 2014.

The Techno Gabay Program, Rural Enterprise Development, Fisheries School on the Air, Fisheries School on the Road, Fish for Every Family Project, Conservation Farming Villages, Educational Income Generating Projects, Pinoy Science and Technology (S&T) Services for Farmers and Entrepreneurs, Technology Business Incubation, Farmer-Led Extension, Farmer Livestock School on Integrated Goat Management, and Farms and Industry Encounters thru the S&T Agenda are technology transfer modalities developed by PCAARRD through the years.

On the other hand, the School for Practical Agriculture, Agri-Eco Tourism, Development of Ladderized Program, Farmer Field School,  and e-Extension Program are extension and technology transfer modalities attributed to ATI-DA.

Moreover, a set of criteria is established for 193 extension and technology transfer modalities of other government agencies, non-government organizations, and state colleges and universities which will be included in the analysis. Some of the decisive factors used include methodologies, sustainability, level of investment, goal focus, and ecosystem coverage.

The analytical framework for assessment and evaluation of extension modalities generated from Project 1 will provide the platform for analyzing the various extension modalities. This framework for analysis is the reach, outcome, impact (ROI) extension evaluation model which investigate the investment and gains derived from the extension and technology transfer modalities.  

A system approach of study will identify interrelationships of organizational structure, leadership, financial investments, resources (personnel, equipment, and facilities), program goals and objectives, as well as methods and techniques of implementation including linkages with other organizations.

The analysis of extension and technology transfer modalities will provide much needed literature on the evaluation of extension interventions in the country thus may help in seeking ways for the continuous improvement in extension and technology transfer delivery system.