Philippine Standard Time

Bangladeshi scholars visit PCAARRD

Bangladeshi scholars in PCAARRD. Photo shows the Bangladesh delegation with Socio-Economics Research Division Director Albert P. Aquino (sixth from right, front row), Technology Transfer and Promotion Division Director Melvin B. Carlos (third from right, second row), and some PCAARRD staff members. (Photo by Victor V. Oro, S&T Media Service)Eleven Bangladeshi doctorate scholars visited PCAARRD recently as part of the National Agricultural Technology Project (NATP) of the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC).

NATP is a comprehensive project that focuses on revitalizing agricultural technology system of and increasing agricultural productivity in Bangladesh.

BARC, on the other hand, is responsible in strengthening the national agricultural research capability through planning and integration of resources in the country. Its mandates are similar to PCAARRD’s.

The visit aims to expose the scholars, scientific officers of R&D institutions in Bangladesh, to the Philippine agriculture research, development, and extension system.

On hand to brief the visitors were some members of the PCAARRD Directorate who provided an overview of PCAARRD and its Industry Strategic S&T Plans, policy research and advocacy programs and projects, and TechnoMart, a technology transfer modality.

Incidentally, the visit was coordinated by the University of the Philippines Los Baños.