Philippine Standard Time

Book showcases researches on shrimp biotechnology

Shrimp, being a high-value commodity, makes shrimp aquaculture one of the major industries in the Philippines. With the various challenges and opportunities in shrimp aquaculture, there is a need for a comprehensive and systematized information about shrimps.

Biotechnological Advances in Shrimp Health Management in the Philippines, a book compilation of researches on shrimp, was published to provide up-to-date information about shrimp biotechnology.

The book contains 10 chapters, each written by different experts. It comprises discussions on challenges currently encountered by the industry, a complete documentation and management practices of the diseases caused by viral pathogens, and potential biotechnological interventions that can be employed as part of good aquaculture practices. It also contains molecular approaches to better understand the shrimp immune system and the development of biotechnological interventions for the industry’s development.

The book was an output of the Shrimp Biotechnology Program funded by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST). It caters to diverse stakeholders like scientists, shrimp farmers, aquaculturists, researchers, and students.