Philippine Standard Time

Chiba University exchange students visit PCAARRD

Chiba University students and personnel (seated) recently visited PCAARRD as part of their 10-day environmental career orientation. Dr. Albert P. Aquino (third from left, standing) led the briefing of the students with some staff members of the Council. (Photo by Victor V. Oro, S&T Media Service)Five exchange students from Chiba University of Japan visited PCAARRD as part of their 10-day environmental career orientation in the Philippines.

Their visit was highlighted with a video presentation on PCAARRD at the One-Stop Information Shop where they also viewed a product exhibition of the Council’s partners from the regions.

The students also had a tour of PCAARRD’s technical divisions.

Since most of the students are pursuing a program on agricultural economics, the director of the Socio-Economics Research Division, Dr. Albert P. Aquino, provided a briefing on the division’s programs and outputs.

The students expressed their gratitude for the Council’s warm accommodation and the knowledge they acquired through their visit. They were glad that PCAARRD was included in their itinerary. Their visit to the Philippines was part of the collaboration between Chiba University and the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB).