Philippine Standard Time


About two thousand farmers convened for the first Farms and Industry Encounters through the Science and Technology Agenda (FIESTA) on Goat. 

Held in Balanga, Bataan on November 21-22, 2018, the activity was spearheaded by the Central Luzon Agriculture, Aquatic and Resources Research and Development Consortium (CLAARRDEC) and the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD). 


 During the opening ceremony, PCAARRD OIC-Deputy Executive Director for Administration, Resource Management, and Support Services Melvin B. Carlos lauded the combined efforts of PCAARRD, CLAARRDEC, Central Luzon State University (CLSU), Bataan Peninsula State University, and other partner agencies and organizations towards advancing the production of superior quality animals. 

“The Council and its partners work towards promoting S&T in goat raising and production through Research and Development (R&D) initiatives on breeding, feeds and feeding, health, goat dairying, product development and standards, and technology transfer initiatives,” Carlos said. 

The Goat FIESTA included a lecture on goat raising, which aimed to educate farmers on the importance of S&T-generation through R&D. 

Experts, researchers, and farmer-entrepreneurs shared their experiences and expertise in goat raising and encouraged other farmers to go into the business of goat raising. 

Technologies such as artificial insemination, delivery protocol, feeding schemes and supplements, mastitis kit, and data milk collection test interval method were explained during the forum. 

The Farmer Livestock School on Goat Enterprise Management (FLS-GEM), which was conceptualized by PCAARRD, was also tackled during the lectures. 

Students participated in the poster-making, photography, and video documentary contests, while farmers and goat raisers participated in the cooking contest, goat show, and palarong kambing. These contests featured and promoted goat R&D and its potential in helping the micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). 

PCAARRD’s Acting Deputy Executive Director for R&D Dr. Edwin C. Villar emphasized that there is science in goat productivity developed and studied by researchers. These products of S&T should be appreciated as it contributes to the country’s goat industry.