Philippine Standard Time

Council shares winning strategies for PQA

Council shares winning strategies for PQAThe journey to excellence is an arduous and very challenging one. Travelers who have trod the road will, through dint of experience, have good practices to share so that other who would take the same road will be guided, avoid pitfalls, and enjoy the journey.

On April 8 at the 12th PQA Forum at the Dusit Thani Hotel in Makati City, it was PCARRD’s turn to share its own journey to excellence.

Together, PCARRD Executive Director (ED) Patricio S. Faylon and Deputy Executive Director (DED) for Institution Development and Resource Management (IDRM) Richard M. Juanillo, along with representatives of the First Philippine Industrial Corporation (2008 PQA Level 2 winner) and John B. Lacson Maritime University (2009 PQA Level 1 winner), shared their best practices and experiences as recipients of the award. 

All three winners presented their respective company’s journey towards organizational improvement and business excellence to participants from agencies that are planning to vie for the award. Dr. Faylon discussed the key strengths of the Council organization based on the seven categories of the PQA, while Mr. Juanillo presented PCARRD’s experience in achieving the award. Incidentally, Juanillo is also the Council’s Quality Management Representative.

The two officers related how the Council was able to direct its staff towards the achievement of the PQA through establishing a quality framework, vision, mission, quality policy, and quality objectives. Both stressed that the major programs of PCARRD are all directed to coming up with major final outputs through business processes and quality agenda set by PCARRD management and staff, as well as its partners in the regions. They underscored that the PQA workplan is part of the Council’s Continual Improvement Program. Further, they shared PCARRD’s learnings from PQA.
The PQA is the highest level of national recognition for exemplary organizational performance. It aims to stimulate local companies and organizations to improve quality and productivity for the pride of recognition while obtaining a competitive edge and providing example to others. PCARRD received the Level 1 PQA (Commitment to Excellence) on December 9, 2009 at Malacañan Palace.