Philippine Standard Time

DOST approves implementation of six additional NICER Programs for the AANR

The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Executive Committee and the DOST - Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the DOST (DOST-PCAARRD) Governing Council approved the implementation of six additional Niche Centers in the Regions for R&D (NICER) Programs under the Science for Change Program (S4C).

With the aim of accelerating regional industrial competitiveness, the NICER Program capacitates Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to conduct quality research that promotes regional development.

Capacitating efforts for HEIs include the improvement of their regional S&T infrastructures through R&D funding, conduct of human resource development trainings, and undertaking of other collaborative R&D activities.

The HEIs with competent track records may submit their application provided that their proposed projects have beneficial impact on the local industry.

To ensure sustainability of the centers beyond the project support, the sectoral council determines the HEI to spearhead NICER. It is determined in terms of the Institution’s accomplishments, alignment with the Harmonized National R&D Agenda (HNRDA), previous accountability records with DOST, and available human resources and basic facilities. Implementation of lined-up projects can enhance existing HEI facilities upon approval as NICER.

The following are the HEIs and focus commodities of the newly approved NICERs for the AANR sector: Pampanga State Agricultural University (PSAU) for Tamarind, Bicol University (BU) for Pili, Tarlac Agricultural University (TAU) for Sweet Potato, Benguet State University (BSU) for White Potato, Caraga State University (CarSU) for Industrial Tree Plantation Species, and Mindanao State University (MSU)-Naawan for Sea Cucumber.

As the apex organization in the AANR sector, DOST-PCAARRD has five ongoing NICERs prior to the newly approved ones: Cebu Technological University (CTU) for Biodiversity, Samar State University (SSU) for Crustaceans, University of the Philippines – Visayas (UPV) for Mollusk, Nueva Vizcaya State University (NVSU) for Citrus, and Isabela State University (ISU) for Lobed Mullet and Eel.

With the approval of the said NICERs, DOST-PCAARRD believes the commodities can influence economic development in the regions and improve the regional capability of host HEIs. The Council also looks forward to the implementation of more NICERs around the country.