Philippine Standard Time

DOST-PCAARRD offers thesis and dissertation assistance for graduate students

Masters and PhD students working on their research related to the priority programs of the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD) have a chance to enjoy the Council’s Thesis/Dissertation support of up to P50,000 (Masters) and P100,000 (PhD).

The said fund, which aims to help graduate students complete their research may also serve as additional budget if their current scholarship grant is not enough. This is according to Dr. Juanito T. Batalon, director of the Institution Development Division (IDD) of DOST-PCAARRD, which is the division directly managing this program, among other human resource development (HRD) programs of the Council.

Qualified for the assistantship are graduate students who are regular employees of the National Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development Network (NAARRDN), and have a thesis or dissertation proposal already approved by their adviser and guidance committee. Research topics that may qualify for this program are those on technology management, promotion and commercialization; high end-sciences, technologies and management systems for sustained growth; policy formulation and advocacy; and enhancing R&D capability and governance.

Interested students may get in touch with IDD through telephone no. (049) 523-8441 or e-mail; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

“As part of intensifying our capacity building support to the NAARRDN, we want as many qualified graduate students to enjoy this thesis/dissertation assistance, which started back in 1991,” Dr. Batalon stressed.

Currently, graduate students from the University of the Philippines, Central Luzon State University, Benguet State University, Visayas State University and Central Mindanao University are considered for this program. Further details on the eligibility and application requirements may be found in the Council’s website at

“We are continuously looking at improving and expanding this program, along with our other HRD programs, so that they remain relevant and timely. As such, we hope to roll-out an expanded version of this program within the year,” concluded Dr. Batalon.