Philippine Standard Time

DOST-PCAARRD remains committed in addressing challenges in the AANR sector

The past year, companies, organizations, and institutions including the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) were caught unaware of the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, time made these organizations, including the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the DOST (DOST-PCAARRD) adapt and persevere despite the pandemic.

Consistent to the true Filipino bayanihan spirit, DOST-PCAARRD has continued timely delivery of its services, served various communities, and addressed the challenges in the agriculture, aquatic, and natural resources (AANR) sector. In its second year dealing with the pandemic and celebrating its first decade in servicing the Filipinos, the Council is proud to share its many accomplishments for the past year.


These accomplishments are bannered in DOST-PCAARRD’s 10th anniversary celebration themed, “Harnessing the gains of GALING-PCAARRD towards a more resilient AANR sector,” which also highlights the conferment of the Council’s S&T Awards and Recognition. It will be held virtually on November 29, 2021 via DOST-PCAARRD’s Facebook page.

“Navigating through the challenges brought by the pandemic, we remain committed in addressing the various challenges in the AANR sector. We have ensured the gradual and safe return to office of our employees, the continuity and timely delivery of services, while serving various communities – true to the Filipino bayanihan spirit,” said Dr. Reynaldo V. Ebora, DOST-PCAARRD Executive Director.

Among those that will be conferred are the Ulat SIPAG Award, Best R&D Papers, and Dr. Elvira O. Tan Award.

Ulat SIPAG Award recognizes the past year’s accomplishments of the media in communicating the Council’s Industry Strategic S&T Programs or ISPs. This year, the Award will confer winners of the national print and broadcast as well as of the regional print and broadcast categories.

Researchers’ outstanding R&D outputs are recognized in the Best Research and Best Development Paper categories. The Research category includes outputs from the conduct of fundamental or basic research, applied research, experimental development, and/or pilot tests. Meanwhile, the Development category includes output of systematic work in applying and/or adopting new knowledge and information, technology, products, processes, systems, services, machines, and equipment gained from research and/or practical experiences or best practices. Six papers will be recognized this year.

The Dr. Elvira O. Tan Award, honors scientists and researchers for their papers published in International Scientific Indexing (ISI)-accredited local and/or international journals within the last five years. This year, three papers will be recognized.

Aside from the awards, scholars of the Graduate Research and Education Assistantship for Technology (GREAT) program will be recognized.

Two initiatives of the Council – the Knowledge Management for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources System (KM4AANR) and the GALING-PCAARRD Program in the new normal will be launched during the virtual event.

The year 2022 will also mark another milestone of the Council as it celebrates its golden year from the establishment of the Philippine Council for Agricultural Research (PCAR) on November 10, 1972.

For more information about the event, go to, join the Facebook event:, and register at: