Philippine Standard Time

DOST-PCAARRD sets for field testing of Carrageenan Plant Growth Promoter

An organizational meeting for a project on Carrageenan plant growth promoter was conducted at the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology in Los Baños, Laguna recently.

The meeting aimed to come up with better understanding of the project’s objectives, activities, and expected outputs and better appreciation of the roles and contributions of project stakeholders.

Led by Dr. Reynaldo V. Ebora, DOST-PCAARRD Acting Executive Director, the organizational meeting was conducted for the project titled Field Verification Testing on Carrageenan Plant Growth Promoter (PGP) for Enhanced Growth and Induced Pest and Disease Resistance in Rice and Corn.

Regional Executive Directors (REDs), Regional Technical Directors (RTDs), and technical representatives of DOST-Regional Offices (DOST-ROs) and the Department of Agriculture Regional Field Offices (DA-RFOs) from Regions 1, 2, 3, 4A, 6, 9, and 11 attended the activity.

Dr. Gil L. Magsino, Director of the National Crop Protection Center, College of Agriculture and Food Science, University of the Philippines Los Baños (NCPC-CAFS, UPLB) together with Dr. Lucille V. Abad of the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute of DOST (DOST-PNRI), oriented the participants about Carrageenan PGP and the project’s rationale.

Dr. Magsino also talked about the potential of the technology in inducing resistance against tungro disease in inbred rice and bacterial leaf blight (BLB) in hybrid rice.

On the other hand, Mr. Matt Ezekiel S. Abella of DOST-Regional Office II, attested to the beneficial effects of carrageenan, based on his agency’s experience.  Among these, are its bio-efficacy against major pests and diseases in hybrid and inbred rice and the increase in productivity of rice farmer-cooperators.

Abella also discussed the DOST-DA collaboration in promoting PGP technologies in the region.

The organizational meeting was also participated by Dr. Edwin C. Villar, Acting Deputy Executive Director for Research and Development, Dr. Jocelyn E. Eusebio, Director of the Crops Research Division (CRD), and Mr. Angelito T. Carpio, ISP Manager for Rice (CRD).