Philippine Standard Time

DOST-PCAARRD supports international conference and scientific meeting on ecosystem restoration

The Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD) supported the Philippines Network of Educators on Environment (PNEE).Together with the University of the Philippines Los Baños – School of Environmental Science and Management (UPLB-SESAM), PCAARRD supported the PNEE’s 13th International Conference and Scientific Meeting on November 11 – 12, 2021 via Zoom.

Themed, “Reshaping Environmental Education Towards Ecosystem Restoration in the New Normal,” the two-day event provided a venue for exchanging ideas and insights on ecosystem restoration. Discussions focused on innovations in ecosystem restoration, environmental leadership, and youth engagement. Furthermore, tools toward environmental education in the new normal were identified and shared in this conference.


Dr. Ramon M. Docto, PNEE President, formally opened the event. He emphasized that Filipinos, as stewards of nature, should empower the community through their collective efforts by protecting, caring, and preserving the environment responsibly.. Additionally, he encouraged everyone to use the platform to create a balance between economic growth and environmental conservation towards sustainable development.

Dr. Jose V. Camacho, Jr., UPLB Chancellor, in his opening message encouraged the participants to lead conversations that will help address the global environmental problems and restore the ecosystem to sustain the next generations.

Representing PCAARRD Executive Director Reynaldo V. Ebora, Dr. Feliciano G. Calora, Jr., PCAARRD Deputy Executive Director for Research and Development, stressed his hopes that the conference will bring more opportunities to build new ideas that can be translated into research proposals.

The conference was keynoted by Atty. Antonio G. M. La Viña, Environmental Policy Expert and Director of the Energy Collaboratory under the Manila Observatory of the Ateneo de Manila University; Dr. Serge Morand, Directeur de Recherche of the CNRS (French Scientific Research Council) and CIRAD; Dr. John Cavanagh, Senior Adviser of the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington DC; and Dr. Robin Broad, Professor of the International Development in American University Washington.

Atty. La Viña presented “Climate Justice from Berlin 1995 to Glasgow 2021: Lesson for Environmental Educators,” which highlighted the importance of the role of environmental educators in dealing with the pressing impacts of climate change.

Following La Vina, Dr. Morand discussed the current implications of the new normal scenario in relation to the presence of zoonotic diseases and their impact on human health with his presentation, “Defining Ecosystem Restoration in the New Normal.”

Dr. Cavanagh and Dr. Broad talked about “The Water Defenders: How Ordinary People Saved the Country from Environmental Destruction - Lessons for Environmental Educators in the Philippines.” They presented the case of El Salvador that challenged an international mining corporation. Furthermore, they also emphasized the role of communities in serving as a medium to promote social change in the context of mining.

Twenty-one parallel sessions covered the following topics: environmental education, curriculum development, research/training and capacity building; water supply and demand; human security and wellbeing; sustainable energy production and urban systems; social health and safety; environmental education; natural resource productivity; biodiversity conservation; sustainable production and consumption; indigenous knowledge systems; legal and institutional policy and governance; and impact assessment and evaluation.

The conference shared knowledge and practices on reshaping environmental education programs and projects to be used as a tool towards ecosystem restoration. It also identified key priority areas and research questions to enhance the capacity of environmental education (EE) and environmental instructions (EI) to increase environmental resilience as well as provided a venue to foster environmental leadership and youth engagement to sustain ecosystem restoration initiatives, and discovered medium and practices to increase environmental education and awareness in the new normal.

This conference supports the DOST-PCAARRD priorities and programs under the Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda (HNRDA) for the agriculture, aquatic, and natural resources (AANR) sector. The Council provides augmentation funds to qualified professional, scientific, and academic organizations that pursue activities in support of the Council’s advocacies, banner programs, and goals.