Philippine Standard Time

DOST-PCAARRD visits MODECERA Program site in UEP

CATARMAN, Northern Samar – A three-day field visit was conducted at the Catubig Satellite Campus of the University of Eastern Philippines Pedro Rebadulla Memorial Campus (UEP-PRMC) recently.

This was conducted in relation to the monitoring and evaluation of the program, “Monitoring and Detection of Ecosystems Changes for Enhancing Resilience and Adaptation in the Philippines” (MODECERA).

A group of experts from the Forestry and Environment Research Division (FERD) of the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD) conducted the activity.

The Catubig Satellite Campus is where the Automatic Water Level System (AWLS) will be set up. AWLS can track weather data from any remote location even without cellular coverage. The AWLS combines the function of a weather station receiver and cellular modem to report weather data from multiple configurations.

AWLS is specifically designed for locations with no additional power sources. Thus, it is equipped with a heavy-duty back-up battery that supplies ancillary power even in areas with little to no light. Moreover, the technology is solar-powered.
This equipment is very useful for the MODECERA program since it can monitor different environmental factors or stressors such as temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, solar intensity, and leaf area index, among others. Ecological monitoring is needed to determine the changes in our ecosystems as affected by different stressors.

The safety and security of the said instrument was assured since the foundation wall was made up of wire mesh and barb wire. Equipment and supplies inventory were also conducted at UEP.

The MODECERA Program is spearheaded by Program Leader, Dr. Rex Victor O. Cruz of the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB). The program involves a long-term monitoring system in selected ecosystems to enhance resilience and adaptation of agriculture and natural resources sector, through the promotion of science and technology-based management and policy decisions.