Philippine Standard Time

DOST-PCAARRD webinar features technologies to increase tomato yield

Outputs of the three-year program, “Development of Integrated Crop Management (ICM-Tomato) for Increasing the Productivity of Fresh and Processing Tomato Production” were discussed during a webinar.

The webinar, “Integrated Crop Management: S&T Intervention for Increasing the Productivity of Processing Tomato,” was organized by the Crops Research Division (CRD) of the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD). It was held in celebration of the Council’s 10th anniversary.


More than 500 registrants attended the free webinar, which discussed the recommended package of technology on processing tomato production.

ICM is a holistic approach, which addresses the major disease and pest problems of tomatoes in the Ilocos Region and recommends balanced fertilization to increase its productivity.

ICM integrates the use of a healthy seedling for management of tomato leaf curl and soil-borne diseases, modified biological control agent (BCA) release strategy to manage cutworm and fruitworm, and site-specific nutrient management (SSNM) for balanced fertilization as validated in Paoay, llocos Norte and Sinait, Ilocos Sur.

Adoption of these technologies can increase farmer’s income by at least 10%.

Dr. Filomena C. Sta. Cruz, program leader and plant virology expert from the Institute of Weed Science, Entomology, and Plant Pathology (IWEP) of the University of the Philippines Los Baňos (UPLB), served as the resource speaker.

Dr. Sta Cruz was joined by Dr. Pablito Gonzales of the UPLB-National Crop Protection Center (NCPC) and Engr. Norberto Mendoza of Northern Foods Corporation (NFC) as panelists.