Philippine Standard Time

DOST promotes S&T in Central Visayas

Pursuing the goal of promoting science and technology through the National S&T Week, the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) held its Central Visayas leg of the celebration at the Island City Mall in Tagbilaran City on November 14-16, 2018.

The celebration, which commences at the national level and spreads out in the regions, aims to highlight the significant contributions of S&T to national development and serves as a platform for S&T advocacy in the country.

In his message during the opening of the celebration, Bohol Governor Edgar M. Chatto expressed his excitement on the holding of the Regional S&T Week (RSTW) in Tagbilaran. He expressed his firm belief on the importance of S&T in the development and progress of the province. He shares that in making plans and policies for the province he often consults with the DOST regional office to ensure science-based decisions. 

He also thanked DOST for its support in the province such as its contribution in the rehabilitation efforts after the 2013 earthquake which rocked Bohol; support to the establishment of the Fabrication Laboratory (Fablab) in Bohol – the first in the country; and the many DOST scholars from Bohol.

DOST Secretary Fortunato T. dela Peña emphasized the relevance and significance of S&T to the region and in particular to Bohol. He informed the audience about the many support DOST extended to small and medium enterprises through the Small Enterprises Technology Upgrading Program (SETUP).

Likewise, he proudly shared that when the Philippine Science High School was established in Argao, Cebu, out of the 25 freshmen scholars, 13 were from Bohol. This highlights Bohol’s rich human resource, which DOST helps enhance. Secretary dela Peña assured that these scholars, as well as those who came after them, are now contributing to the nation and to the different fields they are in. 

In closing, he ensured continued DOST support to the development and progress of the region as well as that of Bohol. He even offered and promoted technologies, information and facilities developed, generated and established by the different DOST agencies that the region can adopt and utilize.

Providing support to the event is the DOST-Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (DOST-PCAARRD), as well as the different Councils and institutes of DOST, which showcased their technologies and innovations that truly promoted S&T for the people.