Philippine Standard Time

DOST Secretary joins PCAARRD Boodle Fight


Secretary Mario G. Montejo joins  the boodle fight, which highlights the third and final day of the PCAARRD SIPAG FIESTA. The Secretary shared the hearty meal with farmers, fisherfolk, researchers, scientists,  regional research and development consortium officials and staff, students and teachers, in what is dubbed as PCAARRD Syensya Lauriat, symbolic of the research and development gains of DOST-PCAARRD and its partners.

With Secretary Montejo are DOST Assistant Secretary Raymund E. Liboro (beside Secretary Montejo); former PCAARRD Executive Director Patricio S. Faylon (next to Asec Liboro); DOST Undersecretary for Research and Development Amelia P. Guevara; and DOST-PCAARRD Acting Executive Director Reynaldo V. Ebora. SIPAG FIESTA  reflects the vision and direction of S&T through the Council’s Strategic Industry S&T Program for Agri-Aqua Growth (SIPAG). It also embodies the Council’s commitment to Outcome One of DOST-PCAARRD in a bid to ensure that the fruits of R&D activities for the said sectors will be a blessing for every Juan and Juana, in keeping with the President’s social contract.