Philippine Standard Time

DOST Secretary visits UPV Multi-species hatchery

Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Secretary Fortunato de la Peña led the visit of the Multi-species Hatchery Complex of the University of the Philippines Visayas (UPV) at Miag-ao, Iloilo. This was part of the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD) Governing Council Meeting to review R&D projects for funding under the DOST-PCAARRD Grants-in-Aid Program. 

The Institute of Aquaculture of the College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences (IA-CFOS) of UPV is implementing five ongoing PCAARRD-funded projects on mussel, shrimp, and aquafeeds R&D. 


Dr. Rex Traifalgar shared these ongoing researches of UPV-IA-CFOS, including “Development of Philippine Penaeus vannamei broodstock selected for enhanced growth and White Spot Syndrome Virus resistance.” This project aims to produce our own Philippine broodstock of Penaeus vannamei to sustain its production. His project on “Field trial of Protein Enriched Copra Meal (PECM) as feed protein for tilapia, milkfish and shrimp aquaculture,” on the other hand, evaluates growth performance and diets of tilapia, milkfish, and shrimp using PECM as major protein ingredient. 

The projects “Improvement of the Hatchery and Nursery Production of Green Mussel” and two projects on microalgae: “Pilot-Testing of Microalgae Paste as Feed for Shrimp and Milkfish Hatcheries” and “Development of Packaging and Storage Systems for Microalgae Paste” are under the PCAARRD’s GIA funding.

Moreover, DOST-PCAARRD provided financial assistance to UPV’s aquaculture facility. The Amino Acid Analyzer acquired through PCAARRD, has served the University with analytical services for different institutions in the region. 

The Regional Research Center, which will serve as a hub for research in fisheries and aquatic sciences was also visited. 

UPV Chancellor Ricardo P. Babaran accompanied Secretary de la Peña with UPV Vice Chancellor for Research and Extension Rolly G. Fuentes; UPV Institute of Aquaculture Director Rex Ferdinand Traifalgar; UPV Professor, Victor Marco Emmanuel Ferriols; UPV faculty, and researchers. 

DOST VI Regional Director Rowen R. Gelonga and PCAARRD-Inland Aquatic Resources Research Division (IARRD) Director Dalisay DG. Fernandez and staff members were also present in the said visit.