Philippine Standard Time

Ex-ante projects on ISPs reviewed

Project leaders of the ex-ante analyses for livestock sector of PCAARRD ISPs (from left): Prof. Ma. Angeles O. Catelo, UPLB; Dr. Achilles C. Costales, UP Baguio; Prof. Rodger M. Valientes, UPLB; Prof. Harvey V. Baldovino, UPLB; and Prof. Jefferson A. Arapoc, UPLB. (Photo : Erwin D. Valencia, S&T Media Service)Fourteen ex-ante analysis projects on PCAARRD’s Industry Strategic S&T Plans (ISPs) were evaluated in a mid-year program review held recently at the Council’s Headquarters.

The ex-ante projects aim to estimate the economic value of specific ISPs using ex-ante assessment tools and methodologies. Specifically, these projects aim to validate baseline and target data; trace the adoption pathway of S&T interventions; estimate the likely costs and benefits of each specific project under the ISP; and rationalize the use of PCAARRD funds.

ISPs are PCAARRD’s way of delivering S&T-based solutions to the pertinent issues besetting the agriculture, aquatic, and natural resources industries in the country. An ISP describes the targets for each industry and pinpoints solutions where S&T will make a difference.

Thus, the review aimed to track the performance of ISP projects vis-a-vis their targets and objectives. Moreover, it aimed to provide recommendations/corrective actions in addressing the constraints faced by the research teams.

During the review, the ISPs were grouped into three sectors: livestock (swine, duck, native chicken, goat, and layer), inland aquatic resources (milkfish, tilapia, shrimp, and mudcrab), and crops (coconut, banana, abaca, mango, and rice).

Relying primarily on key informants and secondary data, the research teams presented variable assessment of baseline and target data of the ISPs. Identified targets for validation include increases in the production, commodity survival capacity, cropping/production cycles, product weight, and farmer’s income, as well as decreases in pre- and post-harvest losses and mortality rate, among others.

These assessments on the ISPs are being done in line with PCAARRD’s commitment on agriculture, one of the eight outcomes of the Department of Science and Technology.

Continuous extensive data gathering and analyses are still being conducted to come up with comprehensive bases for informed decision making. Results and recommendations of the projects are expected to ensure effective and efficient implementation of the ISPs.

The ex-ante analysis projects will be completed by PCAARRD’s partners, University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) and Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture in June 2014.