Philippine Standard Time

Farm visit yields better gains for CVAARRD Citrus FIESTA

A visit to the citrus plantation in Malabing Valley provided much information in terms of best practices in citrus orchards of Nueva Vizcaya. 

The visit was part of the activities on the conduct of the Cagayan Valley Agriculture, Aquatic and Resources Research and Development’s (CVAARRD) Farms and Industry Encounters through the S&T Agenda (FIESTA) on Citrus.  

The Citrus FIESTA, which was held at the Convention Center, Capitol, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya on September 13-14, 2018, aimed to demonstrate the application of best practices in citrus farming as well as the produce and products from citrus.  

One of the citrus orchards visited was that of farmer cooperator David H. Dulnuan. The 4-hectare farm was planted with 21,600 trees, which consisted of Satsuma, Ponkan, and Tan can varieties. The trees, with age ranging from 14-15 years old, produce 30-35 tons/ha and an average production of 70-80 kg/tree. The fruits sell at a farm gate price of P30-35/kg.  

Another farm visited was that of farmer-cooperator Rommel N. Lunag. The 1.2-hectare farm was planted with 200 trees of Ponkan and Satsuma varieties. It also has production volume of 30-35 tons/ha but Mr. Lunag’s average production/tree was a little lower than that of Dulnuan at 20-26 tons/tree. Farm gate price (fruits) ranged from P30-40/kg. 

According to Lunag, the technology interventions he received for his farm included best practices on fertilizer application and irrigation.   

DOST Secretary Fortunato T. dela Peña, CVAARRD officials and staff members, local government units (LGUs), local and national media, PCAARRD, and Nueva Vizcaya State University (NVSU) officials and students, among others joined the farm visits.