Philippine Standard Time

Faylon receives presidential citation

PCARRD Executive Director Patricio S. Faylon was awarded a Presidential Citation on June 28 at the Malacañan Palace. He was one of only three awardees from the Department of Science and Technology (DOST).

Dr. Faylon was recognized for ”his exemplary conduct, steadfast commitment, dedicated public service, and meritorious performance, which contributed significantly to the successful implementation of the policies and priorities of the Philippine government under the Arroyo administration, particularly The Beat The Odds Program and to the upliftment of the lives and welfare of the Filipino People.”

For over a decade of leading PCARRD, Faylon’s dedicated public service and meritorious performance have been recognized by many other bodies. His extensive linkages with international and local organizations have enabled PCARRD to sustain its resource generation activities.

Further, Faylon has helped establish the Techno Gabay Program (TGP) as PCARRD’s platform for R&D results utilization and transfer. Under Faylon’s leadership, the TGP was institutionalized on May 14, 2009, when former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo signed Executive Order (EO) 801. The EO prescribes the implementation of the TGP in the local government units in collaboration with the Department of Interior and Local Government, Department of Agriculture, Commission on Higher Education – state universities and colleges, among other agencies concerned.

Under Faylon, PCARRD succeeded in its bid for certification to the ISO 9001:2000 standards for quality management systems. The first DOST council to be so certified, the Council is now certified under the ISO 9001:2008 standards.  He then pushed PCARRD to vie for the Philippine Quality Award (PQA), the highest level of national recognition for exemplary organizational performance. PCARRD was eventually granted the PQA (Level -Commitment to Quality Management) on December 10, 2009 also at the Malacañan Palace.