Philippine Standard Time

Link FIESTA to technology generators, farmers and fisherfolk, MSMEs – Dr. Ebora



Director Marita A. Carlos of the Applied Communication Division, delivers the message on behalf of Dr. Reynaldo V. Ebora, Acting Executive Director of the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development, Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD) during the opening ceremonies of “Kawayan ug Kanding FIESTA sa NOMCAARRD.”

Dr. Ebora congratulated the Northern Mindanao Consortium for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (NOMCAARRD) for zealously implementing the Farms and Industry Encounters through the Science and Technology Agenda (FIESTA) as a technology and knowledge diffusion platform. In his message, Dr. Ebora expressed hopes that FIESTA can continually provide the link among the country’s technology generators, farmers and fisherfolk, and the micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), towards achieving more competitive and profitable business ventures for the country’s agriculture, aquatic, and natural resources sector. In relation to bamboo and goat production technology which are the focused of the event, Dr. Ebora mentioned some of the research and development partnerships between DOST-PCAARRD and NOMCAARRD.  Among these were on the management of clumps of giant bamboo with DENR Region 10, the GIS-based assessment of bamboo resources and supply chain analysis, and soil erosion management at the Taganibong watershed, both with the Central Mindanao University (CMU), a NOMCAARRD member agency. Dr. Ebora also said that CMU has been very supportive of DOST-PCAARRD’s R&D initiatives on goat since 2013.  NOMCAARRD has partnered with PCAARRD-funded projects on slaughter goat, artificial insemination and halal goat, with special emphasis on feeding technologies.