Philippine Standard Time

Genuinely passionate for muscovado sugar R&D

In his passion to support smallhold farmers through the transfer of meaningful and productive technology, no less than Dr. Aladino C. Moraca himself, President of Central Philippines State University (CPSU), presented the technology on Organic Muscovado Sugar and Value-added Products from Muscovado.

Anchored on CPSU's Small Scale Community-based Natural Muscovado Sugar Production and Marketing project, the presentation provided information on sugarcane varieties, organic production, post-harvest processing as well as insights in relation to the technology.

 Thirty-four farmers participated in the activity as Dr. Moraca demonstrated the preparation of muscovado sugar from sugarcane juice extraction to cooking to granulation.

Dr. Moraca explained that providing farmers with the right technology is CPSU's crusade towards reducing the emigration of farmers from the countryside to the rural areas.

The technology was presented by Moraca during the Western Visayas Agriculture Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (WESVAARRDEC) Farms and Industry Encounters through the Science and Technology Agenda (FIESTA) at Capiz State University, Roxas City from April 8-10, 2019.