Philippine Standard Time

High quality seeds and planting materials to boost industrial tree plantations

The future of the wood-based industries depends largely on the success of industrial tree plantations (ITP). According to the Philippine Wood Producers Association (PWPA), the country requires two million cubic meters (m³) of wood based on a three-year average consumption. To date, the country produces only 1.34 million m³ of wood. About 740,000 m³ of produced comes from commercial plantations, while about 600,000 m³ comes from small-hold plantations.

To meet production requirements, the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD) funded several projects, which focused on yield improvement  through high quality seeds and planting materials. Two clonal nurseries in Butuan and Bislig City were established and maintained for this purpose in partnership with Forest and Timber Resources Research Center of the Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau (ERDB-FTRRC), formerly DENR-ERDS Region 13. 

Researchers are working on the selection and improvement of wood varieties through the use of available genetic resources. Genetic materials that will be produced will be used in long-term breeding programs to expand tree plantation resources.

Some of the initiatives under the program include the selection of superior genetic materials for yemane (Gmelina arborea Roxb) and falcata (Paraserianthes falcataria (L.) Nielsen). Yemane is valued and widely used by the furniture industry while falcata, mangium (Acacia mangium Wild), and bagras (Eucalyptus deglupta Blume) are used by the lumber, veneer, and plywood industry. Seeds of these species are collected from various sources and are undergoing field trials to assess their performance. The field trials were established in Northern Philippines for yemane and Southern Philippines for falcata, mangium, and bagras.

ITP will be featured along with other DOST-PCAARRD’s leading R&D initiatives in the agriculture, aquatic, and natural resources sectors during the National Science and Technology Week (NSTW) on July 25-29 at the Council’s complex. This year’s NSTW adopts the theme, Juan Science, One Nation.

The Council will also celebrate its fifth anniversary on July 28, 2016. This will highlight the National Symposium on Agriculture and Aquatic Resources Research and Development (NSAARRD) on July 27, 2016, wherein awarding of papers will be held in the afternoon of the said date. The NSAARRD showcases the most outstanding contributions of individuals and institutions in improving the state of agriculture, aquatic, and natural resources sectors through research and development.