Philippine Standard Time

LBSCFI holds SyenSaya 2016

LBSCFI Press Release

The Los Baños Science Community Foundation Inc. (LBSCFI), together with its 22-member-agencies including agencies from the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), will celebrate the National Science and Technology Week with the holding of SyenSaya - the Los Baños Science Festival on July 25 -29.

Organized along the theme “JUAN SCIENCE, ONE NATION” of the DOST, the joint activity demonstrates how Filipino ingenuity, trust on one’s capability as a nation, cooperation and solidarity could create wonders in changing peoples’ lives through science and technology. 

Los Baños is home to 22 science and technology institutions and organizations and is recognized as the Special Science and Nature City of the Philippines. These science and technology institutions and organizations have organized themselves into the LBSCFI.

SyenSaya provides a venue for people from all walks of life to understand, appreciate, discover, and value the role of science in their daily lives. For the people of Los Baños and the LBSCFI, the activity provides an opportunity to highlight Los Baños as a premier science tourism destination.

The five-day festival will feature a science learning experience in “Wonderama,” an exhibit featuring technologies and products.

LBSCFI will feature its Syensaya’s exhibit at the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD) Complex, while the Council, DOST lV-A, and the Forest Products Research and Development Institute (FPRDI), will showcase their respective technologies, products, and services at the DOST-PCAARRD Technology and Innovation Center (DPTIC).         

Wonderama, an LBSCFI spearheaded activity, will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. throughout the week-long event.

To improve Los Baños barangay officials’ disaster-dealing capabilities, the Technology Forum on Disaster Risk Reduction Management will also be held in the afternoon of July 26 at the PCAARRD E.O. Tan Hall.
The third day of the event  (July 27) will give way to the conduct of the Science and Technology Innovation Forum of the Southern Tagalog Agriculture and Aquatic Resources Research and Development Consortium (STAARRDEC) in the morning. The Trailblazers in Science: National Scientists’ Lecture Series and the National Symposium on Agriculture and Aquatic Resources R&D (NSAARRD) Best Paper Awards Presentation, on the other hand, will be held in the afternoon of the same day.

The LBSCFI will launch its official website as it celebrates its 32nd anniversary this year.

Outstanding R&D works of LBSCFI member agencies will be recognized during the Awarding and Closing Ceremonies in the afternoon of July 29.