Philippine Standard Time

LBSCFI to recognize researches in the NAARRDN through the Dr. A. R. Librero R&D Award

The Los Baños Science Community Foundation, Inc. (LBSCFI) recently launched the Dr. A. R. Librero Research and Development Award. The award aims to recognize authors of researches in the field of socio-economics, agriculture, and natural resources within the National Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development Network (NAARRDN).

The launch, held on December 4, 2017 at the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) IV-A headquarters, was marked with a memorandum of agreement.

Agnes R. Chupungco, Dr. A. R. Librero’s sister, provided the seed money amounting to P200,000, which will be used to support the award that will be managed by the foundation. 

A cash award of P20,000 and a plaque will be given to the author/authors of the best research paper in the fields of socio-economics, agriculture, and natural resources. The award will be given every two or three years during the R&D Awarding Ceremony of the LBSCFI SyenSaya in conjunction with the National Science and Technology Week (NSTW) celebration. Awardees will also be expected to present their winning papers in the appropriate forum.

The LBSCFI R&D Awards Committee will implement the award following the rules and procedures of the other standing awards being managed by LBSCFI.

LBSCFI is composed of 22 member-agencies, which include the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD). DOST-PCAARRD serves as secretariat of the foundation.  

On the other hand, the NAARRDN is composed of national multi- and single-commodity and regional R&D centers, cooperating stations, and specialized agencies.