Philippine Standard Time

Mentorship for S&T Community-based program for inclusive development grantees underway

In an effort to empower geographically, economically and or socially disadvantaged (GESDA) communities and social groups in the agriculture, aquatic and natural resources (AANR) sector, the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD) envisioned another modality titled the Science and Technology Community-based Program for Inclusive Development (STC4iD).

The STC4iD is a demonstration of a technology transfer modality in multi-locations. The program initially focuses on GESDA communities and social groups. It aims to lead these communities through inclusive development using sustainable and resilient S&T-based community livelihoods.


Grantees of the STC4iD are from state universities and colleges (SUCs) who are involved in the implementation of the program in coordination with the regional consortia and the Local Government Units (LGUs). 

PCAARRD, through its Technology Transfer and Promotion Division (TTPD), finds it important to mentor its stakeholders to provide them with the necessary skills in the effective and efficient implementation of the STC4iD.

To ensure uniform implementation of the projects approved for funding, training programs that comprise the three themes of the proposed capacity development (CD) for the STC4iD grantees will be conducted. These are the Social Technology for Institution Building (STIB), Sustainable Livelihood through Community Enterprise Development (SLED), and Enabling Mechanisms, Ensuring Sustainability (EMES) which will be conducted for three years.

The introductory training was held on November 5-9, 2018 at the W.D. Dar Room, PCAARRD, Los Banos, Laguna as a preparatory activity for the implementation of the STC4iD.  This activity aimed to introduce basic concepts and methodologies of social technology and enterprise development in preparation for the implementation of the STC4iD projects.

Participants in the introductory training included the six core team members of STC4iD grantees from the SUCs such as project leader, social expert, economics expert, extension expert, technical expert, and community organizer/facilitator from Central Mindanao State University (CMU), Mindanao State University-Sulu (MSU-Sulu), Sultan Kudarat State University (SKSU), Siquijor State College (SSC), and Sorsogon State University (SSU).

Professors from the University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB), College of Human Ecology (CHE) served as mentors on STIB courses in community profiling, community needs assessment, community organizing, and organizational development.

SLED courses include financial management and entrepreneurship, enterprise development, sustainable enterprise development approach, enterprise development planning (EDP), and formulation of EDP. Project implementers will be mentored on these courses by Professors from the University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB), College of Economics and Management (CEM).