Philippine Standard Time

Mindanao-focused research awarded Best R&D Papers

Central Mindanao University and University of the Philippines Mindanao garner the Best Research Paper and Best Development Paper, respectively.

Best R&D Papers are recognized by the annual National Symposium on Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (NSAARRD) of the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD). NSAARRD recognizes outstanding contributions of individuals and institutions in improving the country’s state of R&D in agriculture, aquatic, and natural resources sector two award categories: Best Research Paper and Best Development Paper.


Best Research Papers

This year’s first place winner was given to the paper, “Saving the Imperiled Marilog Forests in Southern Mindanao, Philippines: Inventory, Assessment and Conservation for Sustainable Community Utilization” of Central Mindanao University.

The research established the nursery and re-introduced the seedlings of endangered, endemic, and economically important plants to the forests through the Assisted Natural Regeneration efforts. The study paved for Mount Malambo of Marilog Forests Reserve to be declared as the Local Conservation Area through a barangay resolution. Also, the project, published scientific articles and established the Community Economic Garden and the Butterfly House.

The second place was bagged by the University of Southeastern Philippines for the paper, “Development of ROSANNA Banana Disease Surveillance System.”

The research developed a mobile application or app for an agricultural disease surveillance system to gather and disseminate disease-related information at the farm level. The app is a Near Real-time Online Surveillance for Banana Disease that monitors, tracks, and predicts disease occurrence, thereby achieving precise intervention and prevention of disease spread.

The third place was given to the National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology-University of the Philippines Los Baños for the paper, “Zinc Biofortification and Growth Enhancement of Rice and Corn using Zinc Solubilizing Bacteria.”

The research demonstrated the utility of zinc-solubilizing microorganisms in harnessing insoluble forms of zinc compounds in the soil. Zinc solubilizing inoculant biofortifies zinc content of rice and corn, thus it is a promising solution against dietary zinc deficiency. It is also a viable alternative for chemical nitrogen and zinc fertilizer and a potential fungicide alternative.

Best Development Papers

University of the Philippines Mindanao’s paper, “Giving Farmers uwen fananafedew: Improving Agricultural Extension in Conflict-Vulnerable Areas through the Livelihood Improvement through Facilitated Extension (LIFE) Model” was awarded first place.

The LIFE Model is an extension modality for conflict-vulnerable areas. The program forged 17 memoranda of agreement with LGUs and institutions. Three barangays in Surallah, South Cotabato and three barangays in Ampatuan, Maguindanao adopted the model in their communities.

The second place was awarded to the Philippine Carabao Center for the paper, “Sustainable Homegrown Forages and Complete Nutrient Diet Towards Enhancing Growth and Milk Production of Dairy Buffaloes in Nueva Ecija and San Agustin, Isabela.”

The research capacitated participating farmers to produce homegrown forages and preparea complete nutrient diet (CND) developed for buffaloes. Use of homegrown forages and feeding of CND to dairy buffaloes enhanced its growth and milk production. The technology can assure farmers of a practical, low-cost, and sustainable supply of nutritious fodders for buffaloes.

The third place was bagged by the Benguet State University for the paper, “Disaster Risk Reduction of Climate Change Impacts on Vegetable Terrace Farms in Benguet.”

The research capacitated vegetable farmers and officials on disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation and mitigation through science and technology interventions. Interlinks-reinforced vegetable terraces protected the crops and farms from storm damage and decreased losses from damaged crops. As a result, farm areas and more farmers adopted the technology. The local government was also able to transfer the technology to other farmers and involved women farmers in promoting the technology.

The six winners were awarded during the 10th anniversary celebration of DOST-PCAARRD themed, “Harnessing the gains of GALING PCAARRD towards a more resilient AANR sector” held on November 29, 2021 via DOST-PCAARRD’s Facebook page.