Philippine Standard Time

Mussel Pinoy Longline Kicks Off in Samar

The Industry Strategic Science and Technology (S&T) Program (ISP) for Mussels of the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD) has refined the raft and longline culture methods on mussels to replace the traditional stake method of mussels.

Before the S&T interventions, bamboos were used as stakes which caused siltation thereby affecting the environment. Currently, bamboo stakes are still being used in some provinces. As such, information on mussel culture in the countryside is needed for increased production of better quality mussels using environment-friendly and resilient technologies.

A Training on Advancements in Mussel Culture: Livelihood Opportunities for Coastal Villagers was conducted at the Regional Fisheries Technology Center Hall at the Samar State University (SSU), Mercedes Campus, Catbalogan, Samar on April 26-28, 2017. 

The training aimed to increase awareness of mussel researchers on the advancements and alternative methods of mussel culture, conduct hands-on training on the construction and deployment of alternative mussel culture technology, and solicit suggestions on the formulation of the Pinoy Longline Training Manual.

Dr. Marilyn D. Cardoso, President of the Samar State University, opened the event as she welcomed the participants and acknowledged the support provided by PCAARRD, saying S&T intervention will surely lead their mussels to be competitive in the market. 

Lectures on the first day focused on ISP for Inland Aquatic Resources and Developed Technologies, presented by Dr. Dalisay DG. Fernandez, Director of the Inland Aquatic Resources Research Division of PCAARRD; Lessons Learned on Mussel Transplantation, Advances in Mussel Farming, and Raft and Longline Culture Technologies: Their Advantages and Economic Benefits, presented by Dr. Carlos C. Baylon, Program Leader of the Mussel Research and Development (R&D) Program from the University of the Philippines Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo; and Spat Collection Methods, presented by Prof. Renato C. Diocton, Project Leader of the Mussel Project at SSU.

On the second day, Prof. Diocton presented longline design and construction and provided hands-on training on the spat collectors and longline construction. 

The participants, divided into four groups, were assigned to each come up with their own set up of longline and spat collectors. Spat collectors were then deployed at 4-5 meters depth in Silanga Bay while the longline were set-up at 9 fathoms depth in Lutaw Reef, both in Catbalogan, Samar. Suggestions on the revisions of the manual were noted.

The activity ended with feedbacks from selected trainee-participants who expressed their appreciation to PCAARRD for the knowledge gained on advanced mussel culture and actual deployment of longline and spat collectors. The participants became more equipped and expressed their willingness to share the knowledge to fisherfolks in their area. 

Dr. Fernandez ended the ceremony by challenging the trainee-participants to apply the technology and give feedback to PCAARRD for its utilization/techno-adoption thereby combating poverty in the countryside