Philippine Standard Time

New Australian ambassador visits PCAARRD

PCAARRD Executive Director Patricio S. Faylon (left) meets with Australian Ambassador Bill Tweddell (center) and wife, Ms. Chris Tweddell (right).The long-standing partnership in research and development (R&D) between the Philippines and Australia received a boost with the visit of Ambassador Bill Tweddell and his wife Chris to the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD) on April 26.

In the reception meeting, PCAARRD Executive Director Patricio S. Faylon underscored the benefits of the partnership between the Philippines and Australia. He also emphasized further the strong scientific partnership between the Philippines and Australia through PCAARRD’s collaboration with the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, as well as with other international organizations in Australia that are involved in agricultural development.

Faylon acknowledged the importance of the two countries’ partnership as both focus on programs that increase the market competitiveness of agricultural products, farmer-based land and water resource management for profitable and sustainable agriculture, and those that address regulatory, policy, and technical constraints to the adoption of research outputs.

In closing, Faylon praised Australia for its advanced knowledge and innovations in life sciences, human sciences and engineering sciences and their application to agriculture and fisheries, natural resource management and society. He said that PCAARRD is looking forward to future collaborations with Australian R&D agencies on these areas.

For his part, Ambassador Tweddell stressed that our mutually beneficial collaboration will continue under his watch. He suggested that other avenues for cooperation may be explored especially along human resources development. For instance, programs may be developed that would allow Australian scientists and graduate students to do part or all of their research work in the Philippines. As well, Philippine scientists can to do short-term fellowship in Australian R&D institutions.

Mr. Tweddell is a senior career officer with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. He has served as Australian Ambassador to Vietnam; Deputy High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, Hongkong; and High Commissioner, Sri Lanka; with earlier postings to India, Greece, and Bangladesh. He was also Chief of Staff to the former Minsiter of Foreign Affairs, Alexander Downer.