Philippine Standard Time

New dehydrator machine for herbal tea launched

A new dehydrator machine for herbal tea was launched at Ephrathah Farms, Brgy. Sariri, Badiangan, Iloilo City. This was developed through the project, “Design and development of a programmable dehydrator machine for herbal tea materials” funded by the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD).

Dr. Renerio S. Mucas, Associate Professor of the Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISAT U) led the project team that developed the machine. During the launching, Mucas said that the machine can dry fresh leaves of guava, moringa, guyabano, and roselle flower petals from the usual 0.5 kg/day to 5 kg/day at a lower energy cost. It uses solar energy and a back-up electric heater.


Through the PCAARRD-funded project, the team has completed the phytochemical screening of the herbal tea raw materials and products. They have optimized the drying protocol and analyzed the shelf life of the processed tea.

ISAT U led the launching and ribbon cutting ceremony in coordination with PCAARRD’s Agricultural Resources Management Research Division (ARMRD). In his welcome speech, University President Raul F. Muyong mentioned that innovation is one of the major thrusts of the university. The dehydrator machine is another milestone that will put the university at par with the leading universities of the region.

PCAARRD Deputy Executive Director for R&D OIC Dr. Juanito T. Batalon, in his message, congratulated ISAT U for the accomplishment and expressed support for other proposed projects of the university.

Engr. Ed Roderick V. Canuto, general manager of Ephrathah Farms, appreciated the help of ISAT U and PCAARRD in improving and making their tea production more efficient and their tea products more competitive in the local and international markets. He expressed willingness to work with ISAT U for more research undertakings especially on smart farming technologies in the future.

More than 80 participants composed of students, researchers, university officers, fabricators, and local media outfits from Iloilo attended the launch.

ISAT U has already filed the patent for this machine at the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines. A paper titled “Performance evaluation of a programmable dehydrator machine for herbal tea materials,” has been published at the International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing.

The machine has potential for dehydrating other crops and fishery products. Its introduction to the public is expected to raise production capacity and product quality of tea materials in the region.