Philippine Standard Time

New DOST Secretary visits PCARRD, sets initial steps for the Council

In a bid to become familiar with the various DOST agencies, DOST Secretary Mario G. Montejo, visited the Council headquarters on July 7, 2010. Together with Usec. Fortunato T. Dela Peña, they met with PCARRD Executive Director Patricio Faylon, the PCARRD Directorate, and resident auditors from the COA, as well as some senior staff.

Faylon briefed the Secretary on the core competencies of the Council as well as its winning products and services. He then presented the S&T framework of the Council, spelling out the Council’s four banner programs and the three major final outputs (MFOs). He also described the Council specifically, its mandates, personnel complement, organizational structure, and budget.

After the presentation by Faylon, Sec. Montejo asked to be clarified regarding certain S&T programs of the Council. He then outlined initial steps that the Council can take under the new dispensation.

First, he urged PCARRD to develop programs that will support the Department of Agriculture particularly in attaining the country’s self-sufficiency in rice over the next three years. Second, the Secretary stressed the promotion of measures that farmers can use in adapting to climate change. He specifically directed the Council to ensure that farmers have access to and are able to use the data from agrometeorological stations.

Last, he underscored the importance of valuing the benefit of S&T to the country’s economics and to society. Speaking of the “bottom line”, he said further that the Council should always be aware of the impacts of its activities, whether these impacts can be measured and whether the results can be disseminated beyond a pilot level.

During the ensuing discussion, USec Dela Peña bared the Council’s pivotal role in the passing of the Technology Transfer Act. He then asked the Secretary’s permission to convene the committee charged with developing the law’s Implementing Rules and Regulations. The Socio-Economics Research Division will represent the Council in this committee.

In ending the meeting, the Secretary committed to support the Council in its on-going and future initiatives. Also, he promised to visit at another time to form a deeper appreciation of the Council and its programs.

Secretary Montejo was appointed by President Benigno Simeon Aquino III as the new DOST Secretary on June 30, 2010.