Philippine Standard Time

Nominations for outstanding technology commercialization award extended

The National Academy for Science and Technology (NAST) announces that nominations for the 2011 Outstanding Commercialization Award (Gregorio T. Zara Medal) has been extended until May 31, 2011.

The award is given in recognition of the efforts of technology generators and developers whose technologies have been commercialized. Only one will be given every year.

Entries may come from the following: agriculture (including aquaculture and forestry), industry and engineering (energy, environment, earth science, textile, process, mining and minerals, materials science, transportation, wood and wood products, construction), health and nutrition and related pharmaceuticals and social sciences, and information and communications technology.

A Board of Judges will choose the winner based on the following criteria: contribution to technological development (originality/novelty/usefulness, innovation/adaptation [patentability] and potential for local value-added), commercialization scale (profitability and productivity), use of environment-friendly materials and technology, direct benefits to the public, and presentation of paper.

The contest is open to all Filipino researchers and inventors. Their technology must have been commercialized with 10 years preceding the award. Each entry must contain the following information: title of information; description of technology; profile of the production/services, marketing, and financial operations (including a list of technology adopters and their addresses); and impact of the technology on productivity and profitability to technologies.

Nominations may be made by heads of government or private research institutions, departments of colleges or universities, or academic/professional organization or societies.

The Board of Judges may, if found necessary, visit the plant/s commercializing the technology.  Decision of the board shall be final and unappealable. They also have the right not to declare any winner.

Winner shall receive a cash prize of P150,000.

Nominations may be sent to NAST Secretariat, 3rd Level, Science Heritage Building, Department of Science and Technology Compound, Bicutan, Taguig City.