Philippine Standard Time

Nueva Vizcaya celebrates the gains of Citrus R&D through FIESTA

BAYOMBONG, Nueva Vizcaya –  The Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD) and the Cagayan Valley Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (CVAARRD) Consortium celebrated the Citrus Farms and Industry Encounters through the Science and Technology Agenda (FIESTA) in the Citrus Capital of Region II on September 13-14, 2018. 

The two-day event included the opening ceremony showcasing the citrus research and development in Cagayan Valley; exhibits featuring fresh citrus produce and various products derived from citrus; student activities promoting the citrus industry through cooking, dessert-making, poster-making, essay writing, and quiz contests; investment forum; and an appreciation tour to the Malabing Valley, Kasibu, Nueva Vizcaya where citrus farming began. 


During the opening ceremony, Nueva Vizcaya State University (NVSU) President Dr. Andres Taguiam reiterated their never ending commitment to citrus industry R&D. Nueva Vizcaya Governor Carlos Padilla also stated the potential of the citrus industry in addressing poverty and providing a source of income for the province.

In his speech, Regional Research and Development Council (RRDCC) Chair and Isabela State University (ISU) President, Dr. Ricmar Aquino introduced PCAARRD's FIESTA as a venue for collaboration and partnership in the citrus industry. 

According to PCAARRD OIC-Deputy Executive Director for Administration, Resource Management and Support Services, Dr. Melvin Carlos, FIESTA's main goal is to enhance the interaction of technology generators and potential technology adopters and investors to enhance the flow of technology and its utilization for greater economic benefit. 

During the second day, DOST Secretary Fortunato de la Peña visited the exhibits at the NVSU gymnasium and the Malabing Valley to interact with the guests, stakeholders, and Malabing citrus farmers. The appreciation tour also included Farmers' and Investment Forums. After which, the program resumed at the NVSU gymnasium for the awarding ceremony. 

In closing, CVAARRD Director and ISU Vice President for Research, Development, Extension and Training, Dr. William Medrano, thanked the people behind CVAARRD and PCAARRD's Citrus FIESTA. He encouraged the guests and students to help in achieving their dream to make Nueva Vizcaya the Citrus Capital of the Philippines.