Philippine Standard Time

Outstanding published R&D papers honored in Dr. Elvira O. Tan Awards

Three published research and development papers in agriculture, aquatic, and natural resources and environment topics were conferred with the Dr. Elvira O. Tan Awards.

In Agriculture, the Outstanding Published Paper was conferred to “De novo genome sequence assembly of dwarf coconut (Cocos nucifera L. ‘Catigan Green Dwarf’) provides insights into genomic variation between coconut types and related palm species,” authored by Mr. Darlon V. Lantican of the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB). It was implemented by UPLB-Institute of Plant Breeding and the Boyce Thompson Institute.

The research work reported the first high-quality sequence assembly and annotation of the whole-genome sequence (WGS) of a dwarf coconut variety, ‘Catigan Green Dwarf’ (CATD). This sequence information provides the most basic and information needed to conduct more precise and directed research to address productivity and income concerns of farmers and the supply and quality demand imposed by local and international markets/consumers.


Under Aquatic Sciences Category, the award was bestowed to the project, “Reproductive development of the threatened giant grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus)” by Mr. Peter A. Palma of the Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC).

The project was implemented by SEAFDEC, University of Ryukyus, University of the Sunshine Coast, and Research Institute for Aquaculture.

The research work describes the reproductive development of the threatened giant grouper, providing a foundation for ongoing research activities on the development of the giant grouper broodstock and hatchery management. Additionally, the research data can be used for the formulation of management policies for the threatened giant grouper species.

Lastly, the project, “Mapping Fishing Activities and Suitable Fishing Grounds Using Nighttime Satellite Images and Maximum Entropy Modelling” by Mr. Rollan C. Geronimo of the Department of Geography, University of Hawaii, was the Outstanding Published Paper awardee under Natural Resources and Environment Category. It is implemented by the University of Hawaii, U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Earth Observation Group, and National Fisheries Research and Development Institute.

The study highlights the use of nighttime satellite images in obtaining information on the spatial fishing effort of fisheries, especially in Southeast Asia. Using maximum entropy modeling, the study identified bathymetry and chlorophyll as the main environmental predictors of spatial occurrence of the core fishing areas. Data from the study can be used to inform various fisheries management interventions in the country.

The Awards were given during the virtual S&T Awards and Recognition of the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD) held on December 22, 2020 via the Council’s Facebook page.