Philippine Standard Time

PAA holds seminar workshop

The Philippine Association of Agriculturists, Inc. (PAA) conducted a seminar workshop at Days Hotel, Tagaytay City recently. 

Issues and emerging trends in Philippine agriculture were discussed during the activity as well as matters pertaining to PAA’s Second National Congress to be held on November 26-27, 2014 at Tagaytay International Convention Center, Tagaytay City.

Presidents and other representatives from the different organizations under the PAA attended the two-day seminar workshop.

These organizations include the International Society of Southeast Asian Agricultural Sciences (ISSAS), Pest Management Council of the Philippines (PMCP), Philippine Extension and Advisory Services Network (PhilEASNet), and Philippine Society of Animal Science, Inc. (PSAS).

Dr. Nicomedes P. Eleazar, Director of the Bureau of Agricultural Research (BAR), Department of Agriculture (DA), in his inspirational message expressed his support to the association’s mission particularly on ensuring the continuous professional development of agriculturists in the country. 

Dr. Nora B. Inciong, Dr. Rodolfo M. Ela, Mr. Gonzalo O. Catan, Jr., and Mr. Vicente L. Domingo, Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) Board of Agriculture, served as resource persons during the workshop.

Discussed during the activity were the following topics: “The Role and Status of Continuing Professional Education in Philippine Agriculture,” “Evaluation and Improvement on the Performance of Philippine Agriculture Graduates in Licensure Examination,” and “Crafting the Magna Carta of Philippine Agriculturists known as “The Philippine Agriculturist Act of 2014,” respectively.

The formulation of action plan and working mechanics for the establishment of PAA chapters nationwide were also discussed during the seminar workshop.   
The proposed program for the Second PAA National Congress with the theme “Professionalizing Agriculturists for the ASEAN Integration” was also discussed during the seminar workshop.

The Second Congress will provide a venue for the discussion  of issues among professional organizations in the agricultural sector that will lessen potential loss in benefits from opportunities associated with regional and local impacts of the ASEAN Economic Integration. 
Participants will also be apprised on the outcome of the workshop resolutions on the Crafting of the Magna Carta for Philippine Agriculturists and Continuing Professional Development for Philippine Agriculturists. 
Dr. William D. Dar, Director General of the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) is expected to keynote the affair.