Philippine Standard Time

PAEDA convenes in Bukidnon

The Philippine Agricultural Economics and Development, Inc. (PAEDA) will hold its 49th biennial convention at the Central Mindanao University in Musuan, Maramag, Bukidnon on October 23―25.

Themed “Inclusive and sustainable development issues and challenges for agriculture, fishery, and natural resources”, the convention aims to bring together the country’s socio-economists, development and technical experts, and students.

As with the previous conventions, different topics will be tackled in separate sessions. These topics include: 1) enhancing agricultural competitiveness for poverty alleviation, 2) role of institutions and governance in agricultural development, 3) technological change and agricultural growth, 4) agricultural growth and food security, 5) sustainable agricultural development, 6) climate change and agricultural growth, 7) higher education in AFNR, and 8) entrepreneurship for inclusive and sustainable growth. A thesis session for undergraduate students will also be held.  

The best paper in the different sessions will be selected and awarded. The best among the best papers will be conferred the most outstanding convention paper.

Another highlight of the event is the awarding of the most outstanding PAEDA member for 2011―2012. This year’s award goes to National Economic and Development Authority Socioeconomic Planning Secretary and Director-General Arsenio M. Balisacan.

PAEDA is a non-profit, non-stock corporation established in 1954 by pioneer Filipino professionals in agricultural and development economics from the University of the Philippines Los Baños and various government offices, for the primary objective of promoting small farmer productivity and profitability in the Philippines.

The association is currently headed by PCAARRD Socio-Economics Research Division (SERD) Director Albert P. Aquino and Assistant Director Ernie O. Brown as president and vice president, respectively.