Philippine Standard Time

Palmones keynotes PMCP confab, highlights Council’s role in ATMA

Congressman Angelo Palmones with some officers and members of the Pest Management Council of the Philippines. From left: Dr. Ruben Gapasin and Dr. Jess Lim (Visayas State University), Dr. Gerry Estoy (PhilRice), Dr. Fe dela Cueva (UPLB, President of PMCP), Cong. Palmones, and second from right, Dr. Joy Eusebio (PCAARRD, Vice President of PMCP).PUERTO PRINCESA ─ Alyansa ng mga Grupong Haligi ng Agham at Teknolohiya para sa Mamamayan (AGHAM) Party List Representative Angelo B. Palmones keynoted the opening program of the recently concluded annual scientific conference of the Pest Management Council of the Philippines (PMCP) held here.

Speaking before the gathering of crop protection practitioners from all over the country, Palmones highlighted their valuable role especially in helping farmers make better and informed decisions on pest management options. He said that the PCAARRD and its members should help farmers to transition from age-old practices, which are largely based on their respective beliefs and attitudes.

Palmones then proceeded to highlight several issues in which he said, the PMCP and its members could play significant roles. Foremost among these issues relates to the impacts on local agriculture of the ASEAN Free Trade Agreement (ATMA). Specifically, he cited the possible entry into the country of invasive species and of potential pests and diseases that may be piggybacking on imported produce.              

He was elated that the PMCP could be a valued partner especially in developing appropriate policy related to pest management and most importantly, to plant quarantine. He rued however, that the Council was not being consulted on policy initiatives and encouraged the members to speak out and weigh in on issues directly affecting their sphere of specialization.

Palmones expressed concern on the general public’s lack of awareness on how their actions and habits can facilitate the spread of pests. He then stressed the need to strengthen information campaigns that promote public awareness especially on simple but effective preventive and control measures against pests and diseases.

As part of his support to the PMCP, he committed to provide funds for 20 scholarship slots for students who will specialize in plant pathology and entomology. He further asked the officers of the Council to prepare the proposal on this and coordinate with his office at the soonest.

He also will be providing P200,000 for the publication of the PMCP Handbook – a set of pest and disease identification manuals, which users can refer to in diagnosing field problems.

He closed by encouraging the PMCP members to find their united voice and to work hand-in-hand with all stakeholders to ensure that the issues of pest management are neither downplayed nor neglected. Finally, he enjoined the group to work with AGHAM in pushing legislative initiatives towards an efficient and effective pest management system.