Philippine Standard Time

PCAARRD and ACIAR launch manuals on lung scoring and field sample collection for swine respiratory diseases

The ceremonial hand-over of the manuals to partner implementing agencies was led by PCAARRD Executive Director Patricio S. Faylon (fourth from left). Also in the event were (from left): Ms. Corazon Ignacio (representative PVO Pampanga), Dr. Eduardo Lapuz (chief, RADDL), Dr.Emelinda Lopez (chief, AHD, foreground), Dr. Voltaire Basinang (PVO Bulacan), Dr. Mike Nunn (ACIAR Programme Manager for Animal Health), and Dr. Patrick Blackall (project leader, Australia).  (Photo by Valerie M. Corales, S&T Media Service)PCAARRD and the Australian Center for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) recently launched two technical manuals titled “Lung scoring: A tool for improving swine respiratory disease investigation, diagnosis and control,” and “Field sample collection: A quick reference for swine respiratory disease investigation and diagnosis.”

The manuals are a product of the PCAARRD-ACIAR project for improved investigation, diagnosis, and technical support for the control of respiratory diseases of pigs in the Philippines and Australia.

The manuals were developed by the project in support of its R&D initiatives for swine respiratory disease surveillance and diagnosis. Its publication aims to foster capacity-building activities and cultivate adoption of best practices in the industry particularly among veterinarians and technical field personnel involved in disease surveillance. These manuals may also serve as reference for researchers, teachers, and students.

The launch was held during the project’s joint R&D program review at the Oasis Hotel, Angeles City, Pampanga.

Project partners from the Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI), Department of Agriculture Regional Field Unit 3–Regional Animal Disease Diagnosis Laboratory (DA RFU 3–RADDL), Provincial Veterinary Offices (PVOs) of Bulacan and Pampanga, and University of Queensland (UQ) in Australia participated in the review and launch.

PCAARRD Executive Director Patricio S. Faylon, Australian Project Leader Patrick Blackall, and ACIAR Programme Manager for Animal Health Mike Nunn led the hand-over ceremonies of the manuals to project partners.

The hand-over signals that the project’s work will be continued by its local government unit partners in their work as regulatory and implementing agencies for pig health.