Philippine Standard Time

PCAARRD assesses TEREP project

Staff from DOST’s Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD) visited Central Mindanao University (CMU) at Musuan, Maramag, Bukidnon recently to conduct a review and field visit in connection with a project on pteridophytes.

The three-year project which began in January 2012 seeks to study the morphology and reassess, and conserve threatened, endemic, rare and economic Philippine Pteridophytes (TEREP). It also aims to come up with recommended policy measures to be able to protect and conserve the said plant species. 

Pteridophytes or Pteridophyta are vascular plants that reproduce and disperse via spores.

The project’s expected outputs include a handbook and other information education and communication materials, a pteridogarden as an ex-situ conservation strategy, and propagation and conservation protocols which all focus on TEREP.

To date, among other accomplishments, the project has identified 226 species of threatened pteridophytes; come up with the description of 110 of the said species; and has classified the degree of threat facing each group.