Philippine Standard Time

PCAARRD celebrates 1st anniversary

PCAARRD Executive Director Patricio S. Faylon delivers an inspirational message during the Council’s first anniversary celebration held on June 22.(Photo by Victor V. Oro, S&T Media Service)“Excellence, relevance, and cooperation”.

These words were constantly repeated by Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD) Executive Director Patricio S. Faylon during the Council’s recent first anniversary celebration.

The event, held at PCAARRD’s Elvira Tan Hall, was themed “Working towards greater productivity”.

Faylon explained that excellence, relevance, and cooperation are the corporate values of the Council that dictates the culture that should permeate among its employees.

With the consolidation of the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCARRD) and the Philippine Council for Aquatic and Marine Research and Development (PCAMRD) to form PCAARRD, the words of Faylon resonate  the raison d’ être of this agency.

Incidentally, the consolidation of these two councils is pursuant to the government’s rationalization plan via Executive Order (EO) no. 366 dated 4 October 2004. The move is envisioned to effect more efficiency in the delivery of research and development services specifically in the agriculture, aquatic, and natural resources sectors. The EO, however, took effect on June 22, 2011.

Completing the celebration were messages from the Council’s employees’ association and management, as well as an entertainment number from some members of the Directorate and selected staff members.

Capping the occasion was a simple “salo-salo” (get-together meal).