Philippine Standard Time

PCAARRD chief pushes collaboration for faster goals achievement

“We need to collaborate in order to attain the progress of our nation that we all aim for,” said Dr. Reynaldo V. Ebora, Acting Executive Director of the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD), during the opening program of the Bicol Consortium for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development’s (BCAARRD) Agri Farms and Industry Encounters through the Science and Technology Agenda (FIESTA) at the Albay Farmers Bounty Village in Cabangan, Camalig, Albay, Bicol.

Held on March 7-8, 2019, the BCAARRD Agri FIESTA champions R&D gains in sweet potato, queen pineapple, and coconut production. Dr. Ebora mentioned that these commodities contribute in the economic development in the Bicol Region. He also noted the Council’s research initiatives to address problems in the production of the said commodities.

Acknowledging the presence of students among the audience during the program, Dr. Ebora referred to them as the future leaders, researchers, and scientists. He encouraged them to continue the pursuit of the country’s development by pursuing science and tecnology courses, particulalry on agriculture and fisheries.