Philippine Standard Time

PCAARRD concludes training on tech disclosure and claim drafting

A three-day training on Technology Disclosure and Claim Drafting was recently completed by 23 participants from 11 partner institutions of the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD).  This was the 11th time that DOST-PCAARRD has implemented the said training, which started in 2007.

 “PCAARRD has always been a strong advocate of the Technology Transfer Act and we have made conscious efforts to translate this into actual activities.”  This was reiterated by Dr. Edwin C. Villar, Acting Deputy Executive Director for Research and Development during the opening ceremonies of the said learning event.

Patent Agents Atty. Bayani B. Loste and Engr. Manolita Aurora O. Javate, served as resource persons for the said training.  Atty. Loste is a partner of the Fortun, Narvasa, Salazar Law Office and serves as the Board’s Treasurer of the Association of Patent Agent Qualifying Examinations for Professionals, Inc. (APP), while Engr. Javate serves as the APP’s Board Secretary.

In March 2017, PCAARRD conducted two trainings on intellectual property (IP) management.  The recently concluded training benefited more partners enabling the Council to expand its advocacy on IP and widen its reach for local researchers with inclusion of this sector.

Topics on prior art search, technology disclosure and claim drafting were discussed during the training and a plan of action on the technologies relative to IP applications served as input of the participants.

As of 2016, 28 patents, 18 utility models, and 10 trademark applications have been filed at the IP Philippines either by the implementing institutions or through PCAARRD’s assistance.