Philippine Standard Time

PCAARRD conducts gender analysis training

HGDG training participants posed in this souvenir photo with their trainor Dr. Blesshe L. Querijero (fourth from right) right after the training.An in-house training on gender analysis using Harmonized Gender and Development Guidelines (HGDG) was recently conducted at the PCAARRD Headquarters.

HGDG is one of the tools that can be used in gender mainstreaming. The document is a product of a multi-sectoral consultation on the required processes and mechanisms for the Philippine Plan for Gender-Responsive Development. It is part of the efforts to implement RA 7192 otherwise known as the “Women in Development and National Building Act” and its Implementing Rules and Regulations.

As a tool, the HGDG guides the integration of the Gender and Development (GAD) perspective in development planning processes and various stages of the project cycle and addresses the issues of inadequate sex-disaggregated data and statistics for development planning and programming.

Twenty- three female and 8 male PCAARRD staff members, composed of Industry Strategic S&T Plans (ISPs) manager and those involved in packaging information, communication, and education materials of the Council, participated in the training.

The training was important for the ISP managers for them to be able to mainstream GAD perspective in development planning processes and various stages of the project cycle. This will ensure the achievement of gender equality and will empower women through the Council’s ISPs.

ISPs set the vision and direction for the agriculture, fishery, forestry, and natural resources sectors. It describes the targets for each industry and pinpoints the aspects of the industry where S&T will make a difference.
Dr. Blesshe L. Querijero served as resource person and facilitator of the training-workshop.  She has been part of the technical working group that prepared the Department of Science and Technology’s GAD training modules and HGDG for project development, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation.