Philippine Standard Time

PCAARRD conducts workshop on ex ante analysis of biotechnology projects for livestock

The Socio-Economics Research Division (SERD) conducted a two-day workshop for the program, “Ex Ante Analysis of the Philippine Carabao Center’s (PCC) Livestock Biotechnology for Water Buffalo, Cattle, Goat and Swine” recently at Sol Y Viento Resort, Calamba City, Laguna.

The program aims to determine the economic worth of the livestock biotechnologies on reproduction, animal health and nutrition, and product development under the Philippine setting.

Dr. Ernesto O. Brown, SERD Officer-in-Charge, and Ms. Fezoil Luz C. Decena, Senior Science Research Specialist, of the same division, spearheaded the workshop.

Selected SERD staff and Dr. Synan S. Baguio, Supervising Science Research Specialist from the Livestock Research Division (LRD) who served as S&T Consultant, also attended the workshop.

The workshop aimed to discuss scoping and bundling of projects, to include both PCC and non-PCC projects, and to identify strategies for data collection. The scoping identified the list of projects to undergo ex-ante analysis.

Bundling of projects was conducted to group together projects that converged toward achieving common goals and identify mutually exclusive and stand-alone projects. It is considered as a necessary activity to determine impact pathways.

Impact pathway showcases the formulation and description of the problem, solutions or interventions, and the social, institutional policies and other circumstances surrounding the issues identified. It has four main components: pre-technology, technology generation, technology transfer, and technology utilization.

Workshop participants have identified data collection strategies to include primary data gathering in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. 

As start-up activities, the project team conducted interviews with project leaders at PCC and UPLB, pre-testing of questionnaire, and interview of experts. Field survey will commence in May.