Philippine Standard Time

PCAARRD-funded project on mussel culture management reaches out to Capiz

A seminar on the application of geospatial technologies for enhanced mussel culture management was conducted in Capiz recently. 

The seminar, titled, “Project SSAM: Seminar-Workshop on the Applications of Geospatial Technologies” presented the uses of geospatial technologies in different fields and introduced the web-based interactive database as tool in identifying suitable sites for green mussel culture. 


This seminar is part of the project, “Suitability Assessment and Database Development for Enhanced Mussel Culture Management using Geospatial Technologies or Project SSAM (Site Suitability Assessment for Mussel)” funded by the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD). 

During the seminar, local government units (LGUs) from Sapian and Ivisan were introduced to the uses of geospatial technologies (e.g. satellite remote sensing and geographic information systems) on different fields like public health, disaster risk management, navigation, post-disaster damage assessment, vegetation, and planning. Dr. Gay Jane Perez, Associate Professor of University of the Philippines (UP) Diliman discussed the applications of satellite remote sensing, while Ms. Armi May Guzman, Instructor of UP Visayas talked about the different ways to use geographic information system. The project’s website,, also showcased the different mussel projects funded by DOST-PCAARRD. 

The seminar also demonstrated the uses and features of the website. One of the features showcased was the map of existing, suitable, and less suitable green mussel sites. Physico-chemical parameters (e.g. temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and pH) maps and Suitability maps can also be downloaded as an image from the website. Another feature demonstrated was the interactive database. This feature displayed remotely-sensed parameters such as sea surface temperature, sea surface salinity, and cholorophyll-a from 2012 to 2016 in monthly composites. Lastly, the suitability calculator was demonstrated to assess the suitability of the prospect area. 

The seminar concluded wherein the Project SSAM staff turned over the geophysical parameter maps and the green mussel suitability map for the month of February to the municipal agriculturist. 

Twenty-eight participants from the municipalities of Ivisan and Sapian, Capiz attended the said activity. These individuals were representatives from the police force, public health office, risk management office, and municipal agriculture office.