Philippine Standard Time

PCAARRD holds talks with DOST ARMM on rubber production

PCAARRD and DOST discuss the plans and concerns to achieve agricultural development for the region.  (From left to right: Ms. Bai Lina Sanson, Sec. Myra A. Alih, Mr. Johnny Evangelista, Dr. Patricio S. Faylon, Ms. Audrey O. Lapitan, TTPD-PCAARRD, and Dr. Marcelino U. Siladan, FERD-PCAARRD.A significant presence is in the offing for PCAARRD in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) after the initial discussions between the Council and the DOST based in the said region.

The discussions were founded on the new economic directions in the Muslim Region, one of the many concerns towards achieving an everlasting peace in the area and how agriculture could contribute to this goal.      
Representing their respective offices in the discussions were Dr. Patricio S. Faylon, PCAARRD Executive Director and DOST Regional Secretary Myra M. Alih.  According to the National Industry Cluster Capacity Enhancement Project (NICCEP), a joint project of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and the Japan International Cooperating Agency (JICA), the five commodities that apparently have a competitive advantage for the region are seaweeds, rubber, banana, abaca, and coffee. Of these commodities, rubber was initially preferred because of the economic benefit provided by the said crop. 

S&T interventions seek to improve ARMM’s wide area of rubber tree plantations, particularly through the use of high yielding varieties as planting materials and better cultural practices to be showcased in model farms through the PCAARRD’s S&T Community-Based Farm (STCBF).

Towards this goal, PCAARRD sees the need for DOST-ARMM to consult with rubber experts from the University of Southern Mindanao (USM) in Kabacan, North Cotabato and the Basilan State College on the development of a rubber nursery in Basilan through a proposal to be jointly prepared by the said institutions. 

At the end of the gathering, Secretary Alih offers Dr. Faylon a kris, a symbolic gift showing how the Region unshackles itself from a violent past towards a brighter future.  Dr. Faylon returns the favor with a package of IEC materials symbolizing the Council’s earnest desire to share in attaining a true Land of Promise for Muslim Mindanao.The Province of Basilan is among the priority areas where PCAARRD-DOST’s Rubber Industry Strategic S&T Plan (ISP) seeks to introduce the use of high yielding varieties as planting materials.     

Many of the previous militant activists have conveyed their intention to return to farming and about 30,000 ex-combatants are expected to benefit from this project.

Adopting the slogan “From ARMS to FARMS,” Secretary Alih emphasized the transformation in the Muslim region as “From High-Powered Guns to High-Value Crops.”

Secretary Alih also recognizes Bangsamoro’s major role in the peace and development efforts as she reiterates that peace and order has to be achieved with livelihood development strategies. Towards this goal, the role of S&T is vital.
Secretary Alih likewise expressed her intention to establish a consortium for ARMM in order to strengthen inter-agency linkages and efforts within the Muslim region. DOST-ARMM will be conducting a Lakbay-Aral to selected agencies especially in Los Baños in order to prepare for the realization of their vision for the said region.