Philippine Standard Time

PCAARRD joins 1st Global Agribusiness Management and Entrepreneurship Conference

Senator Cynthia A. Villar while giving her speech during the fellowship night at the 1st Global Agribusiness Management and Entrepreneurship Conference. With her on stage are (from left to right) Mr. Guido Alfredo A. Delgado, President of UPLBCEMAFI, Dr. Dinah Pura T. Depositario, Conference Coordinator, and Dr. Fernando C. Sanchez, Jr., UPLB Chancellor (Photo by Christian L. Abeleda).DOST’s Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD) joined the 1st Global Agribusiness Management and Entrepreneurship Conference recently.

With the theme “Redefining approaches in agribusiness management and entrepreneurship for ASEAN 2015,” the conference aims to facilitate sharing of ideas among stakeholders in the agribusiness sector especially on issues related to supply and value chain, marketing, and policies.

The conference is in light of the upcoming ASEAN Economic Integration in 2015.

Organized by the Department of Agribusiness Management and Entrepreneurship of the College of Economics and Management of the University of the Philippines Los Baños, the conference was attended by various stakeholders from the academe, private sector, and government and research institutions.

Senator Cynthia A. Villar, Chairperson of the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Food as well as the Senate Committee on Government Corporations and Public Enterprise, served as the Guest of Honor.

Villar stressed the need to infuse the spirit of agribusiness and entrepreneurship in the agriculture sector to move forward and free the people from poverty.

PCAARRD, through its Socio Economics Research Division, presented the paper titled “Institutional Perspective in Supply Chain Management: The Cases of Abaca, Bamboo, and Vegetable Supply Chain in the Philippines.”

The paper showcased the role of institutions and institutional arrangements in shaping economic performance by addressing inefficiencies in agribusiness supply chain.  Poor coordination within the sphere of players, redundancy in distribution, and information asymmetry as well as other concerns were noted as among those inefficiencies.