Philippine Standard Time

PCAARRD launches Publication Incentives Program

For researchers, having their scientific articles published in a prestigious journal is a feat. This accomplishment is recognized by the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD) as essential to the promotion of new ideas leading to more innovations, advancement of science, and generation of technology.

It is therefore, not surprising that DOST-PCAARRD is providing incentives for scientists and researchers who have published their research studies in reputable local and international scientific journals. The Council does this through its ‘Publication Incentives Program.’

Eligible for this program, according to the Institution and Development Division of DOST-PCAARRD, are the principal researchers of on-going and completed PCAARRD-or DOST-funded or coordinated programs; PCAARRD or Accelerated Science and Technology Human Resource Development Program (ASTHRDP) scholars; PCAARRD staff; and other researchers from the National Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development Network (NAARRDN).

Accredited local and international journals are those listed by the Commission on Higher Education, indexed by Thomson Reuters and Scopus.

For articles to be eligible to the program, they must be aligned with DOST-PCAARRD priority programs and should have been submitted to DOST-PCAARRD within six months from its publication. Journal articles which have already received monetary incentives from other similar institutions are no longer qualified.

Starting this year, the program will accept submission of co-authors or corresponding authors, as long as they also submit a statement detailing their contributions to the research paper as acknowledged by the lead author.

Scientists and researchers are entitled to monetary incentives from Php25,000 to Php75,000 depending on the journal where their articles have been published.

Interested parties can download application guidelines and requirements through under the services menu.