Philippine Standard Time

PCAARRD projects on preserving ecosystems’ integrity kick off formally

Two projects on the protection of the integrity of the ecosystem funded by the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD) formally kicked off recently.

Implemented under the Emerging Interdisciplinary Research (EIDR) Program, the projects aim to develop a detailed map of the Mt. Makiling Forest Reserve and provide recommendations for the sustainable management of Laguna de Bay.

The first project, titled Forest Canopy Observation, Positioning and lnvestigation (Forest CANOPI) Program: Developing Forest Canopy Science in the Philippines aims to focus on detailed mapping and characterization; develop a forest canopy network; explore the flora and fauna of the forest canopy; and investigate the monerans and fungi at the Mt. Makiling Forest Reserve. 

A forest canopy observation network to be built under the project will result in the first scientific exploration of forest canopy in the Philippines.

Dr. Nathaniel C. Bantayan of the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) leads the project. 

On the other hand, the project Ten Years after the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment of Laguna de Bay: Towards a Sustainable Future, aims to integrate knowledge from different disciplines and to come up with a comprehensive assessment of the current state of Laguna de Bay and its surrounding environments as a basis of recommendations for its sustainable management.

Dr. Victoria O. Espaldon of UPLB leads the project.

Falling under PCAARRD’s strategic research and development banner program, the projects involve the exploration and assessment of the selected ecosystems to enhance resilience and adaptation of agriculture, fisheries and natural resources sector, through the promotion of science and technology-based management and policy decisions.

Projects’ implementation formally commenced with an inception meeting held at the PCAARRD headquarters recently. Matters pertaining to expected accomplishments, budgetary requirements, and other administrative concerns were discussed during the meeting.